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Xysemi (赛芯微)

Xysemi (赛芯微)

XySemi Inc是一家美国风投投资的企业,成立于2008年.公司致力于依靠自主专利的功率器件结构及独特排他的半导体工艺为客户提供设计简洁,性能优良,成本低廉,集成度高的电源信息管理方案。

XySemi创始人长期从事功率器件的结构及工艺研究。2001年凭借自己在贝尔实验室的器件及工艺发明在美国创办Enpirion 公司.Enpirion于2004年推出世界第一款将电感集成的DCDC芯片,该产品荣获EDN 2004年度全球电源IC最佳产品奖及其他众多国际大奖。Enpirion 于2013年被Altera收购。


XySemi 将独特的器件结构及工艺技术设计与电源信息管理的系统工程相结合,一方面降低方案成本,使得公司产品在大中国地区巨大的消费类电子市场中占有成本优势,另一方面提高产品性能,在高频,高压,芯片小型化方向占有领先地位,使得公司产品可以主攻欧美及日韩高端电子市场,树立高端品牌形象。

XySemi现有的系列主导产品包括“锂电池保护系列产品”,“SOC系列产品”,DC-DC 降压系列,DC-DC 升压系列 以及屏背光系列等.


XySemi Inc is dedicated to provide power integration solutions for easier design, better performance, lower cost and higher integration. We provide power management solutions and battery protection solutions based on our patented power device structures and exclusive process technologies.

The founder of XySemi was world expert in power semiconductor devices and processes. He co-founded Enpirion Inc based on some of his invention from Bell Labs Research, Lucent Technologies. Enpirion announced the first DC-DC converter with integrated inductor based on his enabling semiconductor technology. This product has won the best product in power IC from EDN in 2004 and many other international prizes. The founding team has won the second best inventor team among all competitors in electronic fields, ADI Blackfin microprocessor team won the first prize. Enpirion now has been a high end brand in DC-DC with products sold to Intel, Alcaltel, Dell, Cisco etc.

XySemi core design team has over 30 man-year experience in US well known power management companies. Each of which has developed several power management products and has been in volume sales on the market for a long time.

XySemi has been collaborating with Yale University in developing radiation-resist power devices and power management ICs for CERN(Conseil European Pour Recherches Nucleaires) . It’s been demonstrated that XySemi’s patented power devices are more radiation-resist than TI, IR and Enpirion power devices, these results has been published on TWEPP 2009 proceedings. (Refer to International Collaboration/Paper TWEPP_2009_Proceedings_Dhawan.pdf).

XySemi Inc combines its unique power device structures and semiconductor process technologies with power system engineering techniques. On one hand, XySemi can optimize its analog semiconductor process to cut cost, enable low cost products for consumer electronics market in Great China Region; on the other hand, XySemi can produce novel power devices with enhanced performance, making our products in the lead for high end market, especially for the applications of high-frequency, high voltage and miniaturization.  

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